Thursday 19 December 2013


Yay! I'm a qualified scientist!

Yesterday, I attended my graduation. Three years of studying science over! It was great to finally feel like all of the work that I've put in has amounted to something. 

The day started with a 9:30 parade down Swanston St. My family and the boyfriend came along to this bit since it was only an hour. 

James and I in the bright sun

At the end of the parade we stopped off and took some photos in the park since it was a pretty backdrop (and right next to the car).

In the evening I went through the proper ceremony and got to walk across the stage which was a great feeling. I didn't take many photos though since I forgot my camera and it was poorly lit. The ceremony was very long and RMIT was a bit strict about where you could go once you registered. So, while worth it for the experience, I don't think I need to do it again...

Now it's out into the work force before going back for a Masters in education...

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